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Rebecca is a home educating mom to two, fellow small business, and blogger at
She also happens to offer Picture Study Aids and art prints for the homeschool community. To Charlotte Mason home educators, picture study is a very familiar concept but I think both new and seasoned homeschoolers sometimes ask questions like, "how do we incorporate picture study into our homeschool" or "why is it important?"
Rebecca thoughtfully wrote about the importance of picture study here and also created this Vincent Van Gogh picture study to help give families an idea of the "how to" part. You can find that video here.
As a busy mom herself, I am inspired by how she utilizes our Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool planner in her homeschool.

You can find her blog post about how she plans her weeks here and a planning video she created here.
Note: On her blog post and video, you will find our 2021 to 2022 version of our Charlotte Mason Inspired homeschool planner, so if you're purchasing a planner this year, it will look different from what is pictured. (:
Shopping small makes such a big impact on small businesses. While art prints can be sourced through other, larger companies, when you shop from, you are making a big impact on another fellow homeschool family & small business. I think some (myself included) assume long time bloggers like have a team behind them but the reality is, Rebecca is the "team" (with occasional help from her husband) behind a humble place. (: I am so thankful for the gifts she offers to the homeschool community between her picture study aids, her meaningful Kindergarten Curriculum that truly gives you a gentle kindergarten year full of beauty through her selection of readings, and the many helpful blog posts she's has shared documenting her homeschool journey.
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